Qatar to help return Ukrainian children deported to Russia

31 июл, 09:30

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced a fruitful meeting with the Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Qatar, Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, which took place in Kyiv on July 28. One of the key issues discussed during the meeting was the return of Ukrainian children who were illegally deported to Russia. Zelenskyy said that Qatar would be an active participant in the implementation of the "peace formula" and would join joint global efforts on this issue.

The meeting also discussed the situation around the Black Sea Grain Initiative, as it is important to avoid shortages in the global food market and avoid crises provoked by Russia that threaten global stability. In this context, the President expressed gratitude to Qatar for its responsible position and support.

During the talks, the Prime Minister of Qatar conveyed greetings from the Emir of Qatar and announced the allocation of $100 million for humanitarian support to Ukraine. The money will be used to restore healthcare, education, humanitarian demining and other important social and humanitarian projects.

The parties also discussed the possibilities of Qatari investment funds and business circles in implementing specific programs for the development and recovery of Ukraine. Particular attention was paid to the plan to rebuild the country after the war and the implementation of the "peace formula," in particular, food security, energy security and the release of prisoners and deportees.

It is noted that the parties agreed to cooperate closely within the framework of the joint intergovernmental commission on economic, trade and technical cooperation, as well as to establish other specialized working groups and commissions to address various issues in various fields, from high technology and digitalization to the supply of drinking water in the regions of Ukraine where it is needed. Thus, Qatar has demonstrated its readiness to be an active partner and contribute to solving important problems for Ukraine.

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